R.M. of Canwood – 2023 Property Assessment

2023 Property Assessment

The assessment roll (a list of all assessable property) is now open to inspection at the municipal office during office hours until Friday, June 2, 2023. All assessed property owners can review the assessment roll to make sure that the information about their property is accurate. Notices were mailed only to owners whose property assessment changed from last year. Detailed Property Reports can be accessed on SAMAView (at the website listed below) or can be obtained from the municipal office.


See Full PDF

Printable Notice of Appeal Form

Notice of Call for Nominations


PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the offices of:

Councillor for Division No. 2
Councillor for Division No. 4
Councillor for Division No. 6

will be received by the undersigned at the municipal office during regular business hours until Wednesday, October 5, 2022, at 4:00 p.m. local time.

Nomination forms may be obtained from the municipal office located at 641 Main Street in Canwood.

Dated this 8th day of September 2022.

Lorna Benson

The two forms needed



    1. Under the provisions of The Tax Enforcement Act, the R.M. of Canwood No. 494 offers for sale the following properties:
      • Block B Plan No. 10171071 Ext 35 (Pt. SW 05-50-06 W3)
        NW 07-49-05 W3 Ext 49
        SW 07-49-05 W3 Ext 50


    1. Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to the Municipality for 10% of the tender amount. Tenders must also include a description of the bidder’s plans for the property. Highest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted.


    1. Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Property Tender” and postmarked by 4:00 p.m. on September 9, 2022, to:
      • Chief Administrative Officer
        R.M. of Canwood No. 494
        Box 10
        Canwood, SK  S0J 0K0


    1. Tenders will be opened by the Chief Administrative Officer to ensure tender requirements are met and presented to Council at their Regular Meeting in September.


    1. The successful bidder will have 30 days to provide the balance of cash to complete the purchase. All property sales are “as is” without warrant or guarantee by the R.M. of Canwood No. 494.


    1. Prospective bidders are advised that it is their responsibility to search the title of the property in advance. All legal costs, title transfer fees and applicable taxes are the responsibility of the purchaser and are in addition to the bid price.


  1. Tender packages can be obtained at the R.M. of Canwood No. 494 office or online at rmofcanwood.ca.


Dated this 18th day of August, 2022.

Lorna Benson, Chief Administrative Administrator

Prairie Watershed Climate Program – Northwest

The Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds (SAW) is very pleased to be partnering with the Manitoba Association of Watersheds (MAW) to deliver the Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP), made possible through the Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada On Farm Climate Action Fund.  The Manitoba Association of Watersheds (MAW) has issued a press release this morning that announces the launch of our program, and the Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds (SAW) will be delivering this program throughout the province of Saskatchewan.  You can find the full release at https://manitobawatersheds.org/news/prairie-watersheds-climate-program-launched.

The Prairie Watersheds Climate Program (PWCP) works with producers to increase the implementation of select Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) on farms in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The BMPs eligible under the PWCP focus on three categories:

  1. Rotational Grazing
  2. Nitrogen Management
  3. Cover Cropping

I have attached the fact sheets for each of the three BMP categories that highlight the eligible on farm projects.  Please feel free to share this information with your Council, ratepayers or anyone that may have an interest in accessing this program funding.  You can also learn more at https://saskwatersheds.ca/ under the Prairie Watersheds Climate Program tab.

If you or your Council would like more information on the PWCP, please do not hesitate to contact your local SAW District Manager, Joel Houston, at 639-318-4908 or nwdistrict@saskwatersheds.ca.  Your SAW District Manager is also available to attend and present at Council meetings, rate payer meetings, or other events and we can also provide information for ratepayer newsletters.

Thank you!

Lynne Roszell, PAg
Program Director
Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds (SAW)
Phone: 306-852-8328
Email: programdirector@saskwatersheds.ca