Hail Insurance

Municipal Hail Insurance is a non-profit, municipal organization owned, operated and controlled by Saskatchewan farmers. It has been in existence since 1917 and is governed by the Municipal Hail Insurance Act. SMHI is available to any owner of land or lessee of Crown land in Saskatchewan.

Hail InsuranceSaskatchewan Municipal Hail Insurance is continuous from year to year. Your obligation as a producer is to simply provide us with your crop report each year. Another benefit of SMHI is that the premium is treated as taxes. It is applied to each quarter of land when levied and is then eligible for the Municipal Discount.

Additional Municipal Hail Ltd. was established to provide spot loss hail insurance coverage on an increased level to its members as well as provide coverage to tenants of land in Saskatchewan. It is available to anyone with an insurable interest in the crop. The important deadline for AMHL is August 1st which is the last day for application.

For coverage options and current rates contact Lorna Benson at 468-2014.

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