Category: Public Notices
Gopher Survey
Gopher Survey
Ministry of Agriculture
The Ministry of Agriculture is collecting information about ground squirrels and other burrowing rodents. Participate in this survey to help better forecast their populations. The survey closes January 15, 2024. The ministry is looking for as much information as they can gather about the species in your area, control practices used and their effects, predators, and other factors that you see as important so we can better understand burrowing rodent populations, control, and the factors that affect these.
Contact James Tansey at if you need more information.
Rural Community Crime Watch Presentation
October 24th, 7:00 pm
Shellbrook Theater
Everyone Welcom
October 2023 Meeting Date Change
Meeting dated changed from October 17th, 2023 to October 25th, 2023 at 9:00 am
Address Signs for Pick Up
All Division Rural Addressing Signs are ready for pickup at the office on Main Street in Canwood. Please note that this only applies to occupied houses.
2008 Chevrolet for Sale by Tender
Sealed bids clearly marked ‘1 Ton Dually’ will be accepted until July 11th, 2023. Submit by email. Sold on an ‘as is’ basis.
Bush Hog Mower – For Sale by Tender
Will be sold on an ‘as is’ basis and must be removed from the municipal yard in a satisfactory time. Highest offer not necessarily accepted.